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OVD Swap Meet

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What : [size=200]OVD Annual Swap Meet[/size]
When: April 29th, 2012
Where: New this year = Holly Lane (corner of Heron and Walkley)
Why : Because Swap Meet and Free BBQ

[size=150]We will be hosting a free BBQ this year
Hot dogs, hamburgers, and non-alcoholic beverages
Quantity will be limited though[/size]

It is that time of year now to start clean out the garages and start swapping those parts you have been collecting over the winter months.

Bring your old, new and whatever parts.
Engine, trims and wheels.

New Location :,-75.636706&spn=0.009119,0.013797&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Holly+Ln,+Ottawa,+Ontario&gl=ca&t=m&z=16

Would like to thank Kurt (PolarSport) for letting us host the Swap Meet on the property. :greatpost:

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